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Onboard a new EoR worker
Written by Jonathan Ellis
Updated over a week ago

How to onboard a new EoR worker

Welcome to the Mauve Group help center! In this article, we will guide you through the process of onboarding a new worker. This is a step-by-step guide to ensure that your request is successfully submitted and reviewed by our team.

Step 1: Click the Onboarding Link on the Navigation Bar.

To begin, log in to your account. Now select 'Onboarding' from the navigation bar.

Step 2: Click on the Requests Tab

Here, you will see a list of any previously saved Draft or Submitted workers. Either open a draft to continue with the onboarding, or selected 'Add new' to open a blank form.

Step 3: Select Mauve's Solution

Click on the Mauve's Solution button.

Step 4: Eligibility Check

Add in the details from the drop down menus of where you intend to onboard a worker and complete the remaining fields before clicking 'Proceed.'

Step 5: Candidate, Assignment & Remuneration Tabs

Proceed through each of the tabs and complete as many fields as possible to assist Mauve with the worker onboarding upon submission.

Step 6: Files

You can drag and drop or manually select attachments by clicking the Browse files link. As a minimum requirement, please consider uploading the following files to assist Mauve.

Step 7: Submit the Worker Details to Mauve

You can submit the worker details to Mauve by clicking on the 'Submit to Mauve' button. Alternatively, use the 'Send for review' button to send this to a colleague to verify the details.

After submitting your request, a new window will open to notify you of the Mauve Group Privacy Notice. This notice outlines how we handle and protect your personal information. You can click on the link in the window to view the full details of the notice.

Step 8: Proceed with Submission

If you agree to the Mauve Group Privacy Notice, click on the 'Continue' button to proceed with the submission of your request.

Step 9: Confirmation

Congratulations, your onboarding request has been successfully submitted! You will now be able to view the information on the form, but you will not be able to make any changes. Our team will be notified of your request and will proceed with reviewing the information before contacting you with the next step of the onboarding process.

Thank you for choosing Mauve Group. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.

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