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View workers
Written by Jonathan Ellis
Updated over a week ago

How to View Your Workers on the My Profile Tab

Welcome to our help centre! In this article, we will guide you through the process of viewing your workers on the Workers tab. This feature allows you to easily access and manage all of your workers in one place.

Step 1: Locate the Workers button on the navigation bar.

This can be found on the vertical navigation menu to the left of the page. Right click to select the tab.

Step 2: Selecting the Workers Tab

Once you are on the Workers tab, a table of your workers and their current status will be displayed on the page . You can filter based on a range of values including Country of Work, Name, Job title, Status, and more.

Step 3: Accessing Individual Worker Profiles

To view more detailed information about a specific worker, simply click on their name. This will open their individual profile, where you can view their personal details, assignment details and other information by navigating to the tab you would like to view.

Step 4: Navigate Back to the Main Worker Table

Clicking the back button will return you to the main table of workers.

Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to view your workers on the My Profile tab. We hope this feature makes managing your workers easier and more efficient. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team.

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