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View worker expenses
Written by Jonathan Ellis
Updated over a week ago

Viewing Worker Expenses

As a manager or administrator, you have the ability to view and manage your workers' expense claims. This can be done easily through the Expenses link on the homepage. Follow the steps below to access and view your workers' expenses.

Navigating to the Workers Tab

To begin, navigate to the Expenses link on the navigation bar.

Viewing Your Workers

On the Expenses table, you will see a list of all your workers and the status of each expense claim.

To view a specific worker's expenses, scroll across the table and select the icon with three dots. Click View Expenses to be directed to the claim.

Viewing Related Files

At the bottom of the expense claim page, you will find any files related to the claim. This can include receipts, invoices, or other supporting documents.

Confirming Expenses

If a worker has submitted an expense claim, you have the ability to confirm the expenses. To do this, open the expense claim and click on the Confirm button. This will notify the Mauve Group team that the expenses have been confirmed and they will proceed with final approval.

Already Approved Expenses

If an expense claim has already been approved, no further action is required. You can simply view the claim for your records.

Thank you for using our help center. We hope this article has been helpful in navigating and managing your workers' expenses. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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