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Approve or reject a timesheet
Written by Jonathan Ellis
Updated over a week ago

How to Review and Approve Timesheets

As a manager or supervisor, you may receive an email notification when one of your workers submits a timesheet. This article will guide you through the process of reviewing and approving timesheets.

Step 1: Receiving the Email Notification

When a timesheet is submitted, you will receive an email notification from the Mauve Group Payroll Department. The email will contain a link to the timesheet record.

Step 2: Accessing the Timesheet Record

Click on the "View timesheet" link in the email to be directed to the timesheet record. This will open a new tab in your browser.

Step 3: Checking the Timesheet Details

Once you have accessed the timesheet record, review the details to ensure they are correct. This includes the worker's name, hours worked, and any other relevant information.

Step 4: Reviewing Attached Files

If the worker has attached any files to their timesheet, you can review them by navigating to the "Files" section of the record. This will allow you to view any supporting documents or evidence for the hours worked.

Step 5: Approving the Timesheet

If the timesheet details and attached files are correct, click on the "Approve" button. This will notify the Mauve Group Payroll Department that you have approved the timesheet.

Step 6: Rejecting the Timesheet

If you notice any incorrect details or do not agree with the timesheet, click on the "Reject" button. This will send the timesheet back to the worker for revision.

Step 7: Notification of Decision

Once you have approved or rejected the timesheet, both the worker and the Mauve Group Payroll Department will be notified of your decision via email.

Congratulations, you have successfully reviewed and approved a timesheet! If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact the Mauve Group Payroll Department for assistance.

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