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View your immigration record
Written by Jonathan Ellis
Updated over a week ago

How to View Your Immigration Records on Mauve Group

If you are using Mauve Group's immigration services, you can easily view your immigration records and any associated visa or permit applications on our platform. Follow the steps below to access this information.

Step 1: Accessing the Immigration Page

To access your immigration records, you will need to be logged into your Mauve Group account on Mauve Insight. From the navigation bar, select Immigration.

Step 2: Viewing Your Immigration Records

Once you are on the Immigration page, you will see a list of all your immigration records. These records will include any current or past immigration cases that Mauve Group has handled for you.

Step 3: Opening an Immigration Case

To view the details of a specific immigration case, click on the three dot icon on the right-hand side of the record and select "View." This will open the immigration case and allow you to view all the relevant information.

Step 4: Viewing Visa and Permit Applications

If you have any visa or permit applications associated with your immigration record, you can view them by clicking on the "Actions" menu and selecting "View Application" next to the relevant record in the Visa/Permits list.

Congratulations! You now know how to view your immigration records and associated visa or permit applications on Mauve Group's platform. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

Note: the immigration page will only be visible if you are using Mauve Group’s immigration services.

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