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Submit an absence request
Written by Jonathan Ellis
Updated over a week ago

How to Submit an Absence Request

Submitting an absence request is a simple process. Follow the steps below to submit a request for time off.

Step 1: Accessing the Attendance Tab

From the navigation bar, select Attendance. The table will show any previous Absence requests.

Step 2: Add a new absence

On the right-hand side of the page, click on New absence to open the absence request form.

Step 3: Completing the Form

Complete the Type of absence, Start date and End date fields and the Number of days you are requesting. Make sure to provide accurate information to avoid any delays in the approval process.

Step 4: Submitting the Request

If your absence request has not been approved, please follow the instructions below.

If your absence request has already been approved, please proceed to step 12.

If your absence request has not been approved:

5. Add the email of the individual who will be approving your absence request to the Send request to box. This could be your manager or HR Department.

6. Include any additional information or relevant notes in the Comments box.

7. Click on Browse to attach any relevant documents to the form.

8. Click Submit.

9. The system will create a new absence request that will appear as Pending in your Attendance list.

10. Your manager/HR Department will be notified by email that an absence request has been submitted and asked to approve or reject your request.

11. The Mauve Group team will be notified of your request.

Absence Request that has been Approved

If your absence request has already been approved, follow these steps:

12. Click on the Approved checkbox.

13. Add the name of the individual who has already approved your absence request to the Authorised by box.

14. Include any additional information or relevant notes in the Comments box.

15. Click on Browse to attach any relevant documents to the form.

16. Click Submit.

17. The system will create an absence request that will appear as Approved in your Attendance list.

18. The Mauve Group team will be notified that the absence request has been approved.

Congratulations, you have successfully submitted an absence request! If you have any further questions or concerns, please reach out to our support team for assistance.

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