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Change account password
Written by Steve Gardiner
Updated over a week ago

Changing your password

Changing your password on Mauve Insight is a simple process. Follow the steps below to successfully change the password associated with your login.

Step 1: Login to Mauve Insight

Login to Mauve Insight and navigate to the bottom of the Mauve Insight homepage.

Step 2: Click the account settings link

Click on the profile image at the bottom of the main navigation bar.

Step 3: My settings page

This will take you to the My settings page. Click on the Password tab if this is not already selected by default.

Step 4: My settings page

Enter your old password in the first field, followed by your new password in both the New password and Confirm new password fields.

Please note that your new password will need to conform to the security standards of Mauve Insight.

Step 4: Save your password

Once your password meets the criteria for data security, each requirement will show with a green tick. To finalise the change of password, click the Change Password button.

Congratulations! You have successfully set a new password in Mauve Insight. If you are having any problems or need more information then please contact a member of the team to assist.

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