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Ireland - Sample Payslip
Written by Steve Gardiner
Updated over a week ago

1. Employee details

Original detail


Other notes

PPS number

Personal Public Service (PPS) Number is a unique reference number for a worker. A PPS Number consists of 7 digits followed by either one or two letters.

Calculation basis

A workers tax is generally calculated based on their total income from January 1st to the current date.

USC cut-off points

The Universal Social Charge (USC) in Ireland is a tax that individuals pay on their income and is based on various thresholds.

PRSI class

The Pay-Related Social Insurance (PRSI) system includes different classes that determine the contributions individuals. Most workers fall under A rate PRSI calculations.

2. Payments table

3. Deductions table

Original detail


Other notes


Income tax withholding

If you are a worker in Ireland, you normally pay tax through PAYE. This is payable to the Irish tax authority.


Universal Social Charge (USC)

The Universal Social Charge (USC) in Ireland is a tax that individuals pay on their income and is based on various thresholds.


Pay-Related Social Insurance (PRSI)

Most workers aged 16 and over pay PRSI contributions.

The amount paid depends on your earnings and the type of work.

Employers deduct PRSI from employees’ wages and also pay separate employer PRSI contributions for employees aged 16 and over.

4. Taxable pay details

5. Year to date pay details

6. Net pay due to worker


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