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Madagascar - Sample Payslip
Written by Steve Gardiner
Updated over a week ago

1. Worker details

Original detail


Other notes


Worker payroll number

Nom et prénoms

Worker full name


Job title

Class. prof

Professional classification

Salaire de base

Base salary

Paie du mois de

Payroll/payslip month

2. Pay/deductions table

Original detail


Other notes

Montant brut

Gross amount

Montant imposable

Taxable amount

Salaire du mois

Monthly salary



Indemnité de logement

Housing allowance

Avantages en nature

Benefits in kind

Allocation de scolarité

Tuition allowance

Bonus: 13è Mois

13th month bonus

Autre Indemnité

Other allowances

Indemnité de congé

Vacation/holiday pay

Indemnité de fonction

Service allowance

Indemnité de préavis

Pay in lieu of notice

Prêt consenti


3. Totals table

Original detail


Other notes

Rémunération totale brute

Total gross remuneration

Revenu non imposable

Non-taxable income

Revenu imposable

Taxable income

Retenue CNAPS

Social security withholding

Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance Sociale.

Retenue IRSA

Income tax withholding

Impôt sur le Revenu des Salariés et Assimilés. It is a progressive tax levied on the income of employees and is deducted at the source.

Retenue OSTIE

Healthcare withholding

Organisation Sanitaire Tananarivienne Inter-Entreprises - Provides a range of comprehensive healthcare services and promotes workplace safety.

Avantages en nature

Benefits in kind

Total des déductions

Total deductions

4. Net pay due to worker

Net à payer

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