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Netherlands - Sample Payslip
Written by Steve Gardiner
Updated over a week ago

1. Worker & employer details

2. Payslip details

Original detail


Other notes


White-Collar Workers: This term is used to describe employees engaged in work requiring predominantly mental effort, rather than physical.

Blue-Collar Workers: This term is used to describe manual workers.

30% ruling

The 30% ruling is a tax advantage in the Netherlands for highly skilled migrants who are employed in the country.


ZVW: Zorgverzekeringswet ( Health insurance)

WW: Werkloosheidswet (Unemployment insurance)

WIA: Wet werk en inkomen naar arbeidsvermogen (Loss of income/incapacity insurance)

3. Pay table details

Original detail


Other notes



Bruto aftrek 30% reg.

30% tax ruling for foreign employees.

4. Deduction table details

5. Net pay due to worker

Totaal netto

6. Vacation/holiday pay information

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