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Turkey - Sample Payslip
Written by Steve Gardiner
Updated over a week ago

1. Employer & worker details

2. Pay period details

3. Pay/deductions table

Original detail


Other notes

SGK Premium

Days for social security withholding

Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu - the governing authority of the Turkish social security system.

SSI Base

Base pay eligible for social security withholding

SGK Premium

Social security withholding amount

Base OF Unem.

Base pay eligible for unemployment insurance withholding

Unemp. Prem.

Unemployment insurance withholding amount

Income Tax Base

Base pay eligible for income tax withholding

Income Tax

Income tax withholding amount

Income tax in Turkey is levied on a progressive scale, with rates ranging from 15% to 40%.

Stamp Tax

Stamp tax withholding amount

As of 2024, the stamp tax rate is 0.759%.

Compulsary Bes

Automatic enrollment pension withholding

Bireysel Emeklilik Sistemi - A system designed to encourage savings for retirement by supplementing the mandatory state social security system via automatic enrollment. Introduced in 2017 for all workers under the age of 45.

4. Net pay due to worker


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