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What are 13th and 14th month salaries?
Written by Steve Gardiner
Updated over a week ago

The 13th and 14th month salaries are additional payments given to employees on top of their regular salaries. In some countries, this is optional or customary at most. However, in others this is a mandatory requirement such as the Philippines who were one of the first countries to adopt a mandatory 13th month salary as a legal obligation.

The amount paid, as well as the timing, tax implications, and exact definitions of 13th or 14th month pay differ from country to country. These bonuses are typically paid out at the end of the year and are meant to provide additional financial support during the holiday season.

You can find a list of countries where Mauve operate 13th & 14th month bonus payrolls below with additional information on payment scheduling.


13th & 14th month details



13th & 14th month

The first half is paid as the 13th salary which is specifically for vacation purposes. This is paid just before the employee goes on vacation. The 14th salary is usually considered a Christmas bonus.


13th month

Also known as 'Aguinaldo'. The 13th salary is payable in two installments. The first installment is due for payment before June 30th and the second before December.


13th & 14th month

Paid during the Christmas period and summer vacation.


13th month

In Bangladesh, the 13th salary is also known as the festival bonus and is related to Eid-ul-Fitr which marks the end of Ramadan. It is typically paid by the 7th day of the following month.


13th month

Most Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) require a 13th-month salary to be paid in December.

However, the required 13th-month salary has to be settled no later than December 24th of each year.


13th & 14th month

The 13th month salary is equivalent to one month’s pay and is paid out at the end of the year. The 14th month salary is also a mandatory bonus if Bolivia’s GDP exceeds 4.50%.


13th month

The first installment must be paid from February 1st to November 30th. The second installment must be paid by December 20th.


13th month

In Cameroon, the 13th salary is typically paid before an employee takes vacation.


13th & 14th month

The first half of the 13th month salary is paid within the first 15 days of June.

Costa Rica

13th month

The second half is paid within the first 20 days of December.


13th & 14th month

The 13th month salary is generally paid in December. The 14th month salary is typically paid in March or April.

El Salvador

13th month.

In El Salvador, the 13th month salary, also known as the ‘Christmas Bonus’.


13th & 14th month

In Greece, the 13th and 14th month salaries are typically paid over three periods. One full month’s pay is offered at Christmas. Half a month’s salary is paid during Easter. The remaining half is paid during Summer.


13th & 14th month

The 14th month salary, also known as “Bono 14”, is payable in July of each year. A Christmas bonus is payable in December.


13th month

In Indonesia, the 13th month salary, also known as the Tunjangan Hari Raya (THR) payment, is linked to the main religious holiday in Indonesia.


13th & 14th month

The 13th month salary is paid out each year alongside the December salary. The 14th salary is typically paid out in June.

Ivory Coast

13th month

In Ivory Coast, there is no statutory requirement to provide a 13th month salary, although Mauve do operate a 13th customary salary for a number of clients. As this is customary, please check your worker contract to see if this is applicable and the date for the expected payment.


13th month

In Mexico, the 13th month salary, also known as “Aguinaldo”, is typically paid in December.


13th month

This additional salary is paid for the festivity that each employee observes and it equates to one month’s salary.


13th month

The first installment is paid in April. The second installment is paid in August. The third installment is paid In December.


13th month

In the Philippines, the 13th month salary is required by law to be given to employees on or before December 24 of each year.


13th & 14th month

The 13th month salary is usually paid in June. The 14th month salary is typically paid in December.


13th & 14th month

The 13th month salary is typically paid at the end of July, around Peru’s Independence Day. The 14th month salary is paid at the end of the year, during Christmas.


13th & 14th month

The 13th month salary is usually paid in June. The 14th month salary is typically paid in December.

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